Male Aesthetics

As society and workplace become more aesthetically oriented, facial aesthetic treatments among men have become more popular in the last 2 decades.

Dr Wong's Approach to Male Aesthetics

Men in their 20s-30s

Men in this age group are mostly troubled by pimples. Some of them have had their acne scar since young and this has affected their confidence and self-esteem for years. Besides acne, male pattern hair loss, mole removal and excessive sweating are also common issues. There is also increasing preference for an androgynous look, perhaps due to the popularity of Korean and Japanese pop culture. Some men in this group prefer skin with clear, smooth and even toned complexion.

    Men in their 30s-50s

    In the prime of their career, men in this age group know the importance of looking presentable in their workplace or at business meetings. Facial pigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, tiny skin growths on their face and neck all begin to bug them. In addition, tattoo “regret”, pronounced smile line, facial redness and contour deficiency are also common in their list of complaints.

      Men in their 50s-70s

      Beside the above, skin laxity and fat deposits are the main concerns now. Men bring up issues like eye bags, drooping brow, double chin, sagging cheeks and jowl.

        Many men seek aesthetic improvements to keep a youthful appearance and project a vibrant & energetic look in their work place, e.g. in front of their clients/superior and among the younger colleagues. Exploiting the advances of minimal invasive aesthetic procedures, they enjoy the ease of receiving aesthetic skin treatment as well as the benefits of looking good with minimal down time.

        When it comes to facial aesthetics, the treatment approach and the outcome required for a man are very different to that of a woman. Men’s skin is thicker and has more collagen and elastic fibers than a woman’s; therefore, men age more slowly, much to the envy of women. However, men are less careful with sun protection. Various sporting activities e.g. soccer, golf, tennis, jogging will cause sun damage to their skin, leading to wrinkles, facial pigmentation and poor skin textures. In addition, the acne and acne scarring from their teenage and young adult years would also haunt them.

        Male Aesthetic Treatment Options Available


        Acne creams and oral medications are effective in quashing the acne outbreak. We recommend young men to seek treatment as soon as acne starts appearing in their youth. It is far easier to prevent scarring with early intervention than to seek acne scar treatment later.

        Acne Scar

        Chemical peeling, TCA CROSS, lasers and scar surgery, either alone or in combination offers the best results for the improvement for acne marks and scars.

        Male pattern hair loss

        Combining oral medication, hair tonic lotion and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) offers the most promising result in the long run!

        Excessive sweating

        We offer Botox injection for the control of excessive sweating. Results are great!

        Mole and facial spots removal

        We offer electrosurgery, cryosurgery or laser surgery to remove the mole and “spring clean” all the spots. Many men are very happy with the eventual clean and fresh look on their face and we have done hundreds if not thousands of cases with great outcomes!

        Facial Pigmentation and redness

        Lightening cream and lasers are very effective solutions for the facial pigmentation and redness. Regular Stellar M22 OPT (Optima IPL) facial or laser toning to maintain their facial skin fits the men’s bill, as they are not as diligent with cream application as the women.

        Fine lines, wrinkles, smile lines, facial contouring

        Neurotoxin and fillers injections are the first line options for such correction. Whether you want to soften a few lines, a more chiselled chin, improve the tear trough, we can help you achieve this using a range of techniques. Effective, quick with minimal to no down time, Botox and fillers are very popular and need no convincing. As quipped by one of my “50 years young” patients who was a sales director: “Take away some of these lines, doc! I have a young heart like the younger members in my sales team. I want to have a face to go along with my young heart!”

        Tattoo regret

        A series of Q-Switched ND YAG laser treatment will lighten or remove the mistake that you now would like to do without.

        Skin laxity

        Treatments like HIFU, thread lift, fillers offer great non-surgical options to correct the skin laxity, especially for people who do not want to undergo any surgery. Otherwise, plastic surgery offers the last option and best hope to address these problems.

        Skin care

        Sun protection is critical to having a good skin. In addition, Chemical peeling, laser toning, premium skin care products like OBAGI Nu Derm will keep skin clean, refreshed and even-toned. Understandably, maintenance is important. Like good health, good skin needs continual effort to keep it healthy, radiant and vibrant!

        get started

        Your Journey To Healthier Skin Starts Here

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          For faster response, call us at +65 6694 1121

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          Visit Us

          Start your skin health restoration journey with us today!

          Assurance Skin, Laser & Aesthetics

          Camden Medical Centre
          #10-01, 1 Orchard Boulevard,
          Singapore 248649

          Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 9.00am-5.00pm;
          Thurs, Sat: 9.00am-12.30pm;
          Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

          Dr. Wong Soon Tee

          Consultant Dermatologist

          Dr. Wong Soon Tee

          Consultant Dermatologist

          Care and Professionalism Refined by
          Over 30 Years of Dermatology Experience

          • MBBS, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore
          • MRCP. Member of Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom
          • FAMS, Fellow of Academy of Medicine, Singapore
          • Adjunct Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
          • Visiting Consultant, University Dermatology Division, National University Hospital
          • Visiting Consultant, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Centre, National University Hospital

          Why Choose Us

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