Labial Melanotic Macule (LMM) usually do not have symptoms but they do bother the patient. Firstly, they worry that it may be cancerous and many patients consult a dermatologist for this reason. Secondly, it bothers them cosmetically.
LMM usually appears as a single or multiple flat, brown to black pigmentation on the lips. Sun exposure may be the cause for its occurrence.
LMM usually do not have symptoms but they do bother the patient. Firstly, they worry that it may be cancerous and many patients consult a dermatologist for this reason. Secondly, it bothers them cosmetically.
A typical LMM has a characteristic pattern when examined with the dermoscopy. There is no need for treatment unless you want to remove it for cosmetic reasons. If treatment is requested, the macules can be removed using a Helios III Pigment laser and the result is excellent. Generally, 1-3 sessions of treatment should be sufficient to completely clear the pigmentation. However, Dr Wong may biopsy a lesion that shows progressive changes and is suspicious looking.
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Camden Medical Centre
#10-01, 1 Orchard Boulevard,
Singapore 248649
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 9.00am-5.00pm;
Thurs, Sat: 9.00am-12.30pm;
Sun & Public Holidays: Closed
Dr Wong connects well with his patients & he is a specialist with over 30 years of experience.
Our specialist listens & explains well to his patients on their skin issues and their queries.
We offer carefully curated FDA & HSA-approved treatments that give effective results.
Full financial counselling & adherence to MOH guidelines on the surgical fee.